All offerings are 506(b) Regulation D
This Business Plan Executive Summary information is not an offer to sell or purchase any units. Such an investment shall only be made to qualified investors who have read the Offering documents and have agreed to make such purchase under the terms and conditions of the Offering; including all risks associated therewith.
$ 750,000 Offering | 15 Units at $50,000 per Unit
Real Estate Equity Funding to purchase the beautiful model home in The Courtyards at Lupton Village. The home will be leased back to the Builder at upon completion for 2 years with one year option. After the Builder Lease expires Investors can keep the home as a rental property and continue to receive a monthly income or sell at market value.
Private Placement Memorandum 506(b
(970) 545-4255
1540 MAIN ST. SUITE 218-303
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